稅則稅率專區 - 財政部關務署 稅則稅率下載專區. 海關進口稅則資料; 進口稅則逐年降稅清表; 機動稅率清表 ...
Tariff Database Search System HOME | Back. Tariff Database Search. Tariff Database Search System. Tariff No.:, Description(Chinese):. Description(English):, Import/Export Regulations: ...
雙語詞彙對照 - 司法院全球資訊網 :::首頁 > 線上查詢 雙語詞彙查詢: (所有對照表) 共2430筆資料。 序號 中文 英文 提供單位 1 一、二審院長 Chief Judge 大法官書記處 2 一夫一妻婚姻制度 monogamy 大法官書記處 3 一次退休金 Lump-sum Retirement Payment 人事處
每旬報關匯率查詢 - 首頁 對台幣匯率表. 六月對台幣匯率. 國家, 幣別, 年, 月, 日, 對台幣匯率. 名稱, 代號, 買進, 賣出. Australia, 澳元, AUD, 103, 06, 1-10, 027.71000, 027.94000. Australia ...
U.S. Customs and Border Protection - Official Site Includes the former Border Patrol and Customs Service. Missions include detecting and preventing the ...
Trade Statistics Search - Customs You are the 79739 th visitor Home Main 中文 Guidelines Calendar of Data Release Trade Statistics Search Commodity, Quantity/Weight, Value, Country/Area Value of Exports and Imports (Total values, by Year and Month) Value of Exports ...
Services and information - HM Revenue & Customs - GOV.UK Aggregates Levy Environmental taxes, reliefs and schemes for businesses Excise Notice AGL1: Aggregates Levy Pay Environmental Taxes Revenue and Customs Brief 5 (2015 ... Help us improve GOV.UK Don't include personal or financial information, eg your ...
Student and Exchange Visitor Program | ICE SEVP collects, maintains, analyzes and provides information so only legitimate foreign students or exchange visitors gain entry to the United States. The result is an easily accessible information system that provides timely information to DoS, U.S. Custo
海關提供專屬網頁便利廠商稅則查詢 - 財政部關務署 ... 電話洽詢費時費力且功效不彰。 三、海關「稅則稅率查詢系統」網址如下: http:// web.customs.gov.tw/rate/rate/search.asp.
稅則稅率查詢 - 財政部關務署 稅則號別分類、稅率疑義及服務專線TEL:(02)25505500轉#1020 關務署稅則法制組 貨物通關即時服務窗口聯絡 ...